Friday, July 25, 2014

Summer Smoothies and CPR

Smoothie Makin'
It's no lie, I live for smoothies. If everything tasted good in smoothie form, I would blend every meal. I rarely use ice because I don't want my drinks to be too watery (I'm not a huge fan of soy/almond/milk in my smoothies), so instead I use frozen fruit and cold water almost exclusively. I also like adding a decent amount of kale or spinach, or both, because it's virtually tasteless and it's a good way to sneak in some greens. I should probably get better at measuring, but I tend to just eyeball things. Tonights smoothie consisted of:

  • A large handful of fresh kale
  • Trader Joe's (TJ's) frozen pineapple chunks
  • TJ's frozen blueberries
  • TJ's frozen raspberries
  • Half of strawberry greek yogurt cup
  • 1 tsp Chia seeds
  • Cold water, enough to get everything moving
    The ingredients 
    Finished product: Made for a great dinner after a late lunch! 
It was delicious! Side note: I used a Vitamix for the first time tonight and I think I'm in LOVE! It was not too loud, it blended so beautifully and it hardly took any time! I used a friend's, but now that I've been exposed I think I'm going to have to save up and get one. 

CPR/ First Aid Re-Certification
This summer I'm working with an incredible non-profit in my home community to promote college readiness, specifically for low income and first generation students. Part of the program I'm participating in involves spending a week on a college campus with our high school students, exposing them to various resources, taking them on college tours and encouraging them to explore the opportunities available to them. I have been working alongside seven other college student advisors, as well as two staff members from the organization. 
The instructors gave us each a mask and gloves to keep in our purses

Long story short, because we will be the primary adults on call throughout the week, we all needed to make sure our CPR certification was up to date. Mine expired about two weeks ago, so the timing worked out pretty perfectly. Added bonus: Because there were so many of us, they brought the training staff to our office and we got to role play some of the crazy scenarios with our co-workers. Luckily, these scenes were significantly less traumatic than when I had to practice in real life. When I was 16, one of the toddlers I babysat for choked on a piece of cantaloupe her mom had given her for lunch. Between her mom and I, we were able to dislodge it with back blows, but it was the most traumatic thing that has happened to me thus far. I had nightmares for weeks, and I thought I was the worst person on the planet for not being able to rescue her on my own. Lots of therapy helped that, but even though I've worked with kids 4-5 days a week ever since, I still get anxious when kids take big bites or start coughing while they eat. 

Anyway, back to the point: I got re-certified and we managed to have a good time doing so :)

Coming up next on the blog: The MisFit Shine and the beauty of infused water! 

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