Friday, November 28, 2014

Thankful and Four Things Blogger Survey!

Hello! It's been awhile, but I've successfully made it through midterms. The past few weeks have been filled with lots of highs and some significant lows. It's been a little exhausting, but I'm soaking up every second of this long weekend. This post is kind of a brain dump/ photo overshare so I apologize in advance for any incoherence!

I went home last weekend to housesit and hangout with my favorite pups. We wound up having a very low key Thanksgiving dinner a week early and I made my first turkey, with a little help from my mama! I also finished up a little early Christmas crafting. Annie, Linnea and I decided to make felt stockings which was really fun and they turned out super cute. I've also watched Love Actually an obscene number of times in the past few weeks... I love that movie!
That's a King size bed they're taking up. 

The sweetest old boy. I love this dog more than words can express. 
This girl needs to work on her embroidered lettering skills... Eek!

My beautifully browned birdie 
Other than that, I've been spending a lot of time volunteering at the Homeless Garden Project Store. The shop is open for 6 weeks (late November until Christmas) and it's beautiful. All of the products are made by local artists and vendors, and many of the products are made using flowers and herbs from the Homeless Garden here in Santa Cruz. The HGP works with people who are experiencing homelessness to teach farming and agriculture skills. It's an amazing nonprofit and it's been so wonderful volunteering in the store. Sometimes I go in just to take in all the aromas.
Wall of dried flower wreathes

I tend to hang out right here, it smells like HEAVEN.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Despite things being difficult at home, there is still so much that I am grateful for. My family, good friends, deep belly laughs, group texts (all those long distance friendships need to be maintained), human relationships, time (to clean my kitchen, not even kidding), my car, community, and so much more. I spent yesterday with the family of two friends (they're brothers). We helped out at a soup kitchen serving food to the community for a good chunk of the day. Then we hung out at their house and had a delicious Hawaiian dinner before heading out for Black Friday shopping at the Great Mall with more friends. I am so thankful for their family's graciousness, it was a wonderful Thanksgiving!

On a completely different note: This survey has been floating around lately and I couldn't pass it up. I love these things!

Four names that people call me other than my real name:
  1. Gracie (real name is technically Grace)
  2. Graceface  
  3. Grizzle (my college girlfriend's all have "street names" LOL) 
  4. Facie, Dacie, Gacie and several other r-less versions of my name (I spend time with a lot of kids)  
Four jobs I’ve had:
  1. Babysitter/nanny: One of my favorite jobs, and the way I support myself in college
  2. Assistant Preschool teacher 
  3. President/ Lieutenant Governor for Circle K International: Most time consuming positions I've ever held as a volunteer, but also the most rewarding. Wouldn't trade it for the world 
  4. Student advisor for a nonprofit benefitting undocumented, first generation and low income students. Also, an amazing job that allowed me to work with a group of incredible high school and college students passionate about education. 
  5. Fun Fact: I've held all of these jobs at the same time! 
Four movies I’ve watched more than once:
  1. New In Town
  2. Elf
  3. Love Actually
  4. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist  
Four books I’d recommend:
  1. A Thousand Splendid Suns
  2. Sarah's Key
  3. It Starts With Food 
  4. After Her--> Takes place in my hometown. Very creepy but so enthralling
Four places I’ve lived
  1. San Pablo, CA
  2. San Anselmo, CA 
  3. Fairfax, CA
  4. Santa Cruz, CA 
Four places I’ve visited:
  1. England, Ireland and Wales (all one trip)
  2. Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Mexico
  3. Vancouver, Canada
  4. Almost all of the U.S. states!
Four places I’d rather be right now:
  1. Playing in the rain somewhere
  2. Drinking coffee in a cozy cafe
  3. In my bed (just kidding... I'm already here!)  
  4. Big Basin, by a fire place, listening to JP Cooper. I just discovered him and he is amazing!
Four things I prefer not to eat:
  1. Ketchup (holy YUCK) 
  2. Fishy fish 
  3. Fresh pressed green juice (The last few times they've been awful) 
  4.  Cottage cheese 
Four of my favorite foods:
  1. Pasta
  2. Banana bread 
  3. Peach yogurt 
  4. Chicken satay with peanut sauce 
Four TV shows I watch:
  1. New Girl 
  2. Disappeared 
  3. Gilmore Girls (relieving middle/ high school) 
  4. Grey's Anatomy 
Four things I’m looking forward to this year:
  1. Graduating from University  
  2. Traveling a little bit
  3. Moving somewhere completely new for nursing school?! 
  4. Going to see my cousin's band in January when they come to SF from New York (check them out, The Hot Sardines
Four things I’m always saying:
  1.  I love you! 
  2. Linsom, guess what?! 
  3. Why am I so easily distracted...?
  4. Frick on a stick (don't even know where we came up with that but my roommate and I use it a little too often).
Four people I tag to answer these questions:
  1. You
  2. You
  3. You
  4. YOU!

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